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Community based naloxone access programs
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Comprehensive overdose prevention & take home naloxone implementation guide
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Research supporting patient inclusion criteria
Consider three important publications that informed the patient inclusion criteria:
Dasgupta N, Sanford C, Albert S, Brason F. “Opioid Drug Overdoses: A Prescription for Harm and Potential for Prevention.” American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, Oct 2009; 4(1):32-37.
Leavitt S. “Intranasal Naloxone for At-Home Opioid Rescue.” Practical Pain Management, Oct 2010:42-46.
Wermeling D. “Opioid Harm Reduction Strategies: Focus on Expanded Access to Intranasal Naloxone.” Pharmacotherapy, Jul 2010; 30(7):627-63.
Research on intramuscular (IM) versus intranasally (IN) administered naloxone
Kerr D, Kelly AM, Dietze P, Jolley D, Barger B. “Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Effectiveness and Safety of Intranasal and Intramuscular Naloxone for the Treatment of Suspected Heroin Overdose.” Addiction, Jul 2009; 104: 2067-2074.
Barton E, Colwell C, Wolfe T, Fosnocht D, Gravitz C, Bryan T, Dunn W, Benson J, Bailey J. “Efficacy of Intranasal Naloxone as a Needleless Alternative for Treatment of Opioid Overdose in the Prehospital Setting.” Journal of Emergency Medicine, March 2005; 29(3): 265-271.
Resources outside of the United States
Guidance for Clinicians on Take Home Naloxone in the UK:
George, Sanju. “A Guide for Clinicians On “Take Home” Naloxone Prescribing.” Ed. Moreira, Karen. Addictive Disorders and Their Treatment 2008. Vol. 7.