9 papers this month. Thanks again to Rebecca Martinez, Cathleen Beliveau, Nataliya Karashchuk, and Laila Esfandiari at the Center on Substance Use and Health (www.csuhsf.org) for collaborating to produce these summaries! 1) Supervised injectable opioid agonist therapy in a supported housing setting for the treatment of severe opioid use disorder. Brar R, Sutherland C, Nolan S.Read More
Archives for April 2020
PubMed Update July 2019
Good month. 40 papers. I think the main takeaway here is the buprenorphine waiver required for U.S. providers to treat their patients with buprenorphine – it needs to go. It is an archaic and absurd construct essentially invented by the US Supreme Court a century ago when the court decided “addiction is not a disease”.Read More